
15th June 2024

Introducing Libertas 1.0

Suman Sourabh


Hi, I am Suman Sourabh and I am launching Libertas.

Libertas is a FREE online discussion platform which aims to allow people like you and me to discuss anything.

Why though?

If you want to discuss about something or even the most obscure thing on the planet, you will surely find some info on Reddit. It is a great platform to discuss things and on many cases, getting a solution of a problem.

But in recent times, the karma limitations and the cruelty of moderators (removing any post that they don’t like and more) has put some question marks on the popular platform.

That, I don’t like.

And one day, thinking about this problem, I got an idea!

Why don’t I try to build something like Reddit? Minus the idea of karma and moderators.

I, for certain, don’t fully know the limitations of not having these things but here’s a start.

On that day itself, I fired up my VS Code editor and created a bare minimum Next.js application and named it Libertas.

The idea is to provide freedom to the user on their ability to just discuss.

And discuss them freely, no boundaries. Information should be free.

What you can do at the moment:

For a start, the above are the functionalities that you can perform on Libertas. More will be coming soon!

Join Libertas, it's Free!